To all of our valued clients, vendors, and to those considering;
Hiring a facilities maintenance firm to help your company put it’s best foot forward, as well as deciding to accept contract work on consignment, is a very important consideration. You need to be assured that the firm you hire will live up to your expectations and provide reliable support, outstanding results and exceptional payment processing. Ripoff Report, Pissed Consumer, Yelp and others have been a popular, reflexive research tool for many consumers and businesses as they promise to bring clarity to the sometimes foggy hiring process. These directories have the potential to be terrific, impartial forums to base decisions off of. Their shortcomings, however, are very important to consider.
To begin with, all of the posts on these sites are anonymous, and all of them are in places that are highly visible in Google search listings when looking up our company. Some of these posts are from vendors, others from employees, and some are no doubt from competitors trying to redirect sales to themselves. There are some, however, that we feel are valid, and have gone into these posts themselves to help arbitrate the complaint. While we have thousands of satisfied clients, vendors and employees, in almost six years less than 10 ‘parties’ have gone online and posted negative reviews and testimonials of our service in these directories.
While we strive to avoid complaints, disputes, and poor outcomes whenever possible, there have been times when service levels have not been to the high standard we set for ourselves, and have taken some of this valuable feedback to heart to listen to and grow from. Some of the complaints fall into several categories, including:
- Not paying vendors on time
- Lack of professionalism
Since these 1 Stop Maintenance reviews, posts and testimonials are anonymous, it has been very difficult to track down the party and make things right, but we have nonetheless made strides to mediate these remarks and create a favorable experience for those with whom we do business. Having a constructive discussion of where things may have gone wrong benefits both sides, and is a conversation we are always open to.
Admittedly there have been valid instances where we have not serviced the party to the standards we expect, and where appropriate have made every attempt to reconcile the mistake or oversight. But failures, fortunately, do have their importance. They allow us to better understand the service process within our firm and tighten the screws, thereby strengthening our approach to customer, vendor and employee service. In the very few cases where a vendor was not paid on time, we reimbursed them not only with what was due, but interest to again gain their trust. As our relationships are the most valuable business commodity we know of, we take seriously the charge of investing in these bonds, and will always look to augment our approach to stellar service.
Although I’m hopeful we can avoid disputes altogether, they will realistically still play a part in our operations no matter how successful our efforts are. Rest assured that whatever impasse arrives, we will work swiftly and judiciously to make sure your expectations are met and that your experience with our firm is nothing less than top notch.
On a final note, we get letters from satisfied clients and vendors every month, and proudly post them in the office and list them as success stories on our website for inspiration. We hope to someday count yours among them, and look forward to a long, rewarding relationship for many years to come.
Brett Finkelstein, CEO